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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
haha i have like emaths test tomorrow but hey, i need a break. okay y'know what i'm bullshitting myself i havent really started yet. no shit. it sucks. like you don't wanna care about this kinda stupid things anymore but you can't not care, no matter what you still feel like you wanna do your best for a test. okay whatever.GOODBYE Friday, August 25, 2006
:( YAY this stupid week finally ended. i think i'm gonna be in so much trouble for eoys. judging by how stressed i got just by this week. urgh. anyway today's english oral was like shit man. i mean the picture was okay and everything, but i just couldnt think of anything to say and plus i got a UNFRIENDLY relief teacher that i didnt even know existed till now. sad. she didnt even give me a stupid smile. oh well. i dont want a smile from her anyway. the stupid conversation was damn screwed i said so little she had to like start a new topic, like totally different, and for some points i was just like 'and..' and i let the stupid word hang in the air and i just trailed off oh god that lands me in like what.. C? and she asked me like what will i be doing in the future and i said i wanted to be a writer omg i bet she was like thinking how am i gonna be a writer when my english's so badd and i cant think of anything to say. and omg the fricking chinese and geog, left me feeling so screwed. how the hell can i not remember that hygrometer's used to measure RH, omg i actually knew the answer but stupiddddddd, i was thinking about the dry bulb thermometer and i thought it's used for like to measure the air temp so yeaaa i gave away 3 marks just like that. okay so anyway. i'm feeling annoyed. like you can't tell.okay anyway. i'll talk about other stuff. like tv. i love tv. like you know for my birthday present, which is ahem 4 months away, i'm considering getting my mum's permission to move the tv in my grandparent's room over to mine. well they dont use it anyway. so you know, i can't just let it go to waste. it'll be better off in my room.. trust me, it'll feel so loved by me. hahaha. dumdeedum yay guess what i need to relieve my bladder again. goodbye man. Saturday, August 19, 2006
HELLO I AM TAKING A BREATHER! haha. a long breather which lasted from .. for the whole day. haha. shit. oh well i just finished 2 chapts for geog, starting on plates now which is like the stupidest difficultest chapt of all.anyway today is like movie day for me. i just watched christmas with the kranks hahah it's quite funny, this policeman doesnt know how to spell enrique and he spelled it as 'n.reeky' HAHHAHA aint it funny. but the stupid show makes me feel pathetic. i want a snowy white christmas with lots of presents and a christmas treeeee. okay whatever. i watched high school musical too. i just watched it for the songs. haha. and before that sinyee and devi came over so we watched scary movie 4 and sisterhood of travelling pants. bridget's like so fricking pretty! :D and she's skinny. not the gross kind of skinny skinny but the nice kind of muscular skinny. hahaha, do you get me? and kostos was like so daammn old, he has to be like 20 plus which is sooooo weird. okay whateverrrrrrr. anyhow. last sat went to the book sale thing with yee and devi which was kinda stupid cus we didnt buy anything, the books were too awful and old and torn. i love the airport. two reasons. dumdeedum. okay i'm gonna go back to my coughbelovedcough geog. singapore is so pathetic. we dont have any geographical features at all. like a volcano or whatever. but then again there couldnt possibly be a volcano here cus if it erupts, then the whole island will like.. be smothered in lava. hot cheesy lava crust. hahahaha. and if the caldera chooses to collapse and there's a super violent eruption, then singapore will break apart. HAHAHA. into tiny countries called ang mo kio, sengkang, hougang blahblahblah HOW FUNNY. OKAY WHATEVER. LOOK WHAT GEOG IS DOING TO MY BRAIN. Wednesday, August 09, 2006
"Shut up. It isnt your turn to talk. I went out to the battlefield to see my tree, and i couldnt. I couldn't, because now it's our tree. I cant listen to music, because every song is something we sang in the car, or in my room, or in here. It takes me an hour to get ready for class, because i feel like i'm dazed half the time. I cant find my socks, i cant find my favourite black bra. Donald's always asking me, 'Honey, whats wrong, Honey, whats wrong?' Nothing's wrong, Donald."yoozaa today's national day. but it doesnt feel like a real holiday anyway, having to study for stupid geog. speaking of geog I HATE PLATES. and my geog textbook is falling apart. haha. dannggggg i hate platesssss i think we're totally studying the wrong thing. because they keep saying the earth's dying. so shouldn't we study about the planet we're gonna live in next? hahaha. look towards the future man, and prepare our next generation. okay. on sat went for plmgs concert. haha yee and i went in like 30 mins late. it was damn funny lah, we just finished our lunch at plaza sing at 2.30, but we still didnt wanna take a cab. lmao, in the end we ended at tiong bahru station, but we couldnt find the stupid place so we asked the guy, and he said tanjong pagar station.. haha. ohohoh we saw loadza cute people too okayyyy. hahaha. okay the concert was kinda nice lah huh. the guzheng performance was niceee surprisingly(: in fact the nicest performance. and dang it i forgot to bring my camera dumdeedum desperate housewives has ended :( oh and i finally finished the night world books it's damn nice all of you should read it. oh. and national day celebrations yesterday were okay. for once the weather was nice. and we sat on black trash bags too cus the track was wet, and the primary school kids got the bubble blowing thing, so some of us went to steal it from them:D so cool. popping bubbles everywhere, and aletheia blew some bubbles straight onto my hair haha. but i am so forgiving and nice i cant possibly hold a grudge or take revenge. okay i kinda need to relieve my bladder now yeah so bye. hahaha. Friday, August 04, 2006
I'M WAAYYYY SHITTEDDDDD, i failed fricking chinese again, and the difficult test wasnt even counted inside. so that means i'll fail ca3 too. awesome. i cant even score higher than some ahem skanks. what the hell is wrong with me huh, im getting so bloody stupiddd and today we got back our bio papers too and i had to effing deduct two shitting marks, while everyone else was getting two additional marks. sometimes having integrity is just plain stupid. its damn shitting when you study so shitting hard and then when the results come out its like shit results. and the stupid thing was that i actually thought i'd done quite okay. like stupid geog. i seriously like studied the hardest everrrrrrr, but i got some shitzo result. OKAY BUT THE MAIN POINT IS CHINESE I CANT BELIEVE I'M GONNA FAIL ALL OF MY CAS TMD WTF! i swear she's damn prejudiced against me, we had some book review and i copied like most of the stuff from the book and it was damn chim stuff and i thought like i'll get at least a 14, but nooooo, she had to fail me. like what the shit man. and there was this stupid compo, okay i admit it's a lousy compo which doesnt make sense BUT COME ON, you dont have to fail me so damn badlyyyyyyyyy omg this has been such a focking shitty year
Thursday, August 03, 2006
HI ALL MY SCHIZOPHRENIC FRIENDShurmmmm, okay recap recap. tuesday was bev's birthday so yeah happy birthday hahah. k and after school went cathay with aileen and jack to watch dragon tiger gate, its like quite nice but its so bloody exaggerated but then i guess all action movies are like that. its really stupid how when this guy hits another guy, and that guy'll like fly all the way to the opposite side of the place and smash against the wall and create a dent, and then rubble and debris will fall urm okay yesterday this teacher came in and talked about ng, and we got to write complaints about her and its like 1 and a half foolscap long. dumdeedum and cus she was so rude to me and aileen when we went up to ask her for help, i added like a comment too. hawhaw. and lit quiz is stupid. how high is a chinaman. the answer's yes, cus how high is the chinaman's name, so how high is a chinaman, so yeah he is. lame shit today we did the national day thing in the morning, coolnessssss. singapur enthum sollum pothilei. okay however you spell it. :) yepp and for english lesson we did this pronounciation thing which was like quite cool and funny yeah. k i'm tireddddd, goodbyeee |